13 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Pokémon

7. The Old Pokémon Designs Suck

Pokemon red blue

In fairness, looking back retrospectively, many of the older Pokémon designs are also fairly atrocious. I mean, Exeggcute was literally a bunch of eggs, and it evolved into Exeggutor, which was a weird pineapple monster with three heads and no arms. So, I’m willing to admit that the Pokémon themselves have always been a fairly mixed bag.

Muk was fairly terrible too, as were Magnemite, Jynx, Mr. Mime, and Voltorb. Porygon alone might be the single worst thing to ever come out of the series, and do you remember Seel? It was a just a seal, an idiotic white seal, lying on its stomach with its gross tongue sticking out its stupid mouth. I mean, it was literally a seal, clearly designed by someone right before lunch, never revised because who cares, it's a seal.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.