13 Things Nobody Wants To Admit About Pokémon

5. There Are Too Many Legendary Pokémon

Pokemon red blue

There are well over thirty legendary Pokémon. Now, I understand that ‘legendary’ doesn’t necessarily denote exclusivity, or inimitability, but a world consisting of over thirty ultimate lifeforms seems just a little overindulgent. Besides, does anyone really buy these games for the legendary Pokémon? They’re usually the least interesting aspect, partly due to the fact that there are so bloody many of them, devaluing their inclusion in the first place.

Yet every time a new generation is announced, a new batch of legendaries are unveiled, and quickly slapped on every scrap of promotional material Nintendo can get their hands on.

Personally, the starters have always been a bigger selling point for me; they’re usually featured more prominently in the story, and we spend the most time in their company. So, why exactly should we care about the legendaries? There are so many now, it's not like they're anything special.

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Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.