13 Things That Could Completely Ruin Upcoming Video Games

2. The Lack Of PvP - Farpoint

Farpoint PSVR

Farpoint is one of the year's big killer apps for PSVR, an apparently AAA shooter that comes bundled with the platform's new Aim controller.

However, a lack of content is definitely a justified concern right now, with the campaign reportedly running in the 4-6 hour range, and though Farpoint was recently confirmed to feature a co-op multiplayer mode, there's still no mention of what most people actually want: PVP.

PVP multiplayer really feels like a must if this game's going to be anything more than a weekend rental.

How Likely Is It?: With Farpoint due out in mid-May, surely fans would know by now if PVP was going to be part of the equation, so it seems highly likely that the game will end up generally criticised for its meager amount of content, especially considering it's currently retailing at a AAA price.

PVP could be patched in after the fact, sure, but considering the problems with maintaining VR player-bases, it'll probably end up being too little, too late. 9/10

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.