13 Things We Learned At The Video Game Awards 2015

9. Far Cry Primal

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e58zrK0yMuw Taking a few chapters out of Rayman creator Michel Ansel's book, Ubisoft are doing their own spin on the whole 'ancient mystic controls the beasts around him' idea. However, rather than Ansel's upcoming game, Wild, that looks to play entirely in third person as you control the animals directly, Primal sees you mostly commanding them to attack enemies, occasionally switching to a sick 'Owl Mode' (as I'm calling it) to scout ahead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYyqRWULljk Considering Ubisoft are slightly more relaxed with Far Cry than Assassin's Creed (giving each entry a two year gap) it's resulted in a product that looks remarkably different from FC 3 and 4, the latter of which iterated on things in only the barest of ways, if at all.
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