13 Video Game DLCs Everyone Would Pay For

13. Classic Map Packs - Call Of Duty: Advanced Warfare

If you've ever paid for a Call of Duty map pack, you know first-hand what poor value they are: for £12, you get 4 multiplayer maps, an extra weapon and maybe an additional Nazi Zombies/Extinction map, which just isn't worth it for anyone but the most helpless CoD fanboys. There are, however, some maps that might be worth shelling out that much for, and that's the classics from earlier games in the Modern Warfare series. Who can forget playing incredible maps such as Shipment, Terminal and Rust? The newer games especially lack the confined "gimmick" maps that were so much fun in the earlier titles, where it's difficult to stay alive for more than a few seconds, yet the chaos is still ludicrously fun to play through. Infinity Ward and Treyarch wouldn't even have to remaster the maps, really: there's a lot of gamers who would gladly pay for the ability to just play legacy maps without having to dust off their PS3 once again (especially considering that nobody really plays Modern Warfare anymore), and that would be enough. It's just a surprise that Activision haven't thought to offer this already: the ability to download classic maps would make the newer CoD games much more appealing (assuming the maps could be played on any future CoD game on the same platform). Still, it just doesn't seem like a concern for Activision, especially when they're printing so much money already. How Likely Is It?: 4/10

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.