13 Worst Video Games Of 2017 (So Far)

1. Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: Mega Battle

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Mega Battle

Last year it was the Ghostbusters tie-in that felt kicked out the door in a half-naked state, and now, to go alongside the actually-not-horrific Power Rangers movie, we've got Mega Battle.

A side-scrolling beat 'em up (yes, this is where the genre went), it looks more like a controllable motion comic than a frenetic, engaging action game. To that end, you'll spend the majority of your time just mashing attack buttons, paying little to no attention towards special attacks or who to target.

It's as basic as the genre gets, though with the potential to be so much more thanks to some loveable source material. Sadly, it's that additional weight that drives home just how much final product can't deliver, resulting in a game designed more to meet a marketing window, than for any worthwhile purpose.


What's your worst game of the year so far? Let us know in the comments!

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