14 Best Christmas-Themed Levels In Video Games

12. How The Saints Save Christmas - Saints Row IV

Sometimes you need a game like Saints Row or Just Cause to remind you precisely how ludicrously fun video games can truly be. Sometimes we just don't need introspective, thought-provoking narratives and super serious musings on the shocking state the world's already in. Sometimes, you just need developer Volition to let you fling Christmas trees at people, ring those yuletide bells and toss another log on the fire.

Framed entirely as a tale told by a crackling fire, How the Saints Save Christmas spins a yarn of your own character losing sight of 'the real value of Christmas', just as its revealed the future world itself is enslaved by a very evil Santa Claws. You'll fight demonic gingerbread men, sing carols and wear appropriately garish Christmas jumpers. Volition were firing on all cylinders across both Saints Row 3 and 4, it's just a shame they couldn't keep up the high streak through 2015's Gat Out of Hell.

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