14 Best Marvel Superhero Video Games

6. Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

When Ang-Lee's 2003 version of the character focussed a little too much on the introspective 'Oh woe is me'-nature of the character, he ended up leaving out something that The Avengers would then nail in 2012; the fact that wherever there is Hulk, there must also be smashing. And lots of it. For Ultimate Destruction, Radical Entertainment saw this gigantic gap in the market and filled with all manner of ludicrous feats of destructive strength. From leaping multiple city blocks in single bounds to a 'weaponising' mechanic that saw you tear a police car in two before using the halves as boxing gloves, everything about Hulk was one gigantic step in the most anarchically right direction. Later levels ran out of steam in the challenge department and elected to simply throw more and more goons your way, but when you could catch missiles out of mid-air and suplex harrier jump-jets at the push of a button, this was like the desert scene from the aforementioned movie x1000.
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