14 Best Monologues From The Max Payne Video Games

12. "Firing A Gun Is A Binary Choice...

max payne 2
... you either pull the trigger or you don't."

To some, perhaps a line that is pointless and kind of a "No sh*t" sort of thing, but to Max Payne, it's something he brings up because it's so simple, and he very rarely does NOT pull the trigger - especially when something is coming between him and his "goal".

From Max Payne 2, a part of this line is the name of the second part of the game - A Binary Choice - and the full line comes at the end of a chapter when an ultimatum is presented to Max: his 'duty' vs his passion.

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Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.