14 Best Monologues From The Max Payne Video Games

8. "The Trouble With Wanting Something...

max payne 2
... is the fear of losing it, or never getting it. The thought makes you weak."

A short and simple line backed by what's going on onscreen causing it to become incredibly more impactful.

Coming moments after Max experiences a few seconds of happiness, the most he's had in years, only for it to be interrupted by the game's enemies. He and Mona make a run for it only for a walkway to collapse, splitting them up and both having to solo it from there on. The monologue is spoken over the divide of the two; the thing he wanted, but he loses it.

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Likes games and movies, writing scripts and listening to Stereophonics, Noel Gallagher, Metallica, Manic Street Preachers.