14 Best SNES Games You Might Have Missed

2. Zombies Ate My Neighbours

Tmnt Time

Weirdly referred to just Zombies! in the European and Australian versions, ZAMN is a fun and fast-paced shooter that would be comparable to the likes of Sunset Overdrive today.

Playing by yourself or with a friend, heroes Zeke and Julie were tasked with saving their neighbourhood(s) from not just the titular undead, but all manner of supernatural, horror and outer space beasties along the way.

At your disposal, you had Uzi water pistols, flamethrowers, hedge trimmers (weed wackers to our American friends), vegetables, crockery, to exploding pop cans.

Starting out relatively tame in the suburbs, you progress into shopping malls, before moving on to the source(s) of the evils like tombs, haunted mansions and the like.

The "rescue" aspect was little more than walking up to your neighbour and collecting them, with most of the focus being on taking out enemies. Zombies, plant people, evil clones of you and [checks notes] giant babies.

Despite being toned down with its gore and violence content in some regions, it was still a blast that made spiked hair and 3D glasses look cool.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.