14 Greatest Video Game Villains Of The Decade (So Far)

5. Seath The Scaleless - Dark Souls (2011)

This may seem like an odd choice in terms of Dark Souls' hierarchy of big bads, but if you give it some thought, Seath The Scaleless is essentially the only truly 'evil' entity in the entirety of Lordran. Well, except for Lautrec maybe, that guy is a major ball-bag. Aside from Seath, every single man, woman, monster and God you come across as the Chosen Undead has an excuse or motive for doing what they do. The Witch Of Izalith tried to re-create the First Flame in an effort to help the world and inadvertently opened the gates of Hell, Gwyn - in his foolishness - sacrificed himself to keep his Age Of Fire going and The Four Kings were corrupted by the Abyss and forced into servitude. Hell, even the Primordial Serpents are trying to help the world in their own twisted little way. But Seath? Nah - he's just an outright insane dragon who's jealously led him to commit almost every unspeakable crime under the grossly incandescent sun. His obsession with trying to achieve immortality led to him betraying his own race in the war against the dragons, and ultimately resulted in depraved experiments on any living thing he could get his pale claws on for his own selfish ends.
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Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.