14 Pokémon Based On Bizarre Real Life Creatures

If Pokémon Go still isn't real enough for you, you could always get a Mudskipper.

pokemon go

Pokémon Go has given us a glimpse of life with real world Pokémon, but dammit it's not enough.

How many times have we all wished that Pokémon were real? And how many times have our childhood dreams been dashed carelessly against the grey, unfeeling rocks of adulthood?

Well, there's good news and there's bad news. The good news is that Pokémon are seemingly based on a menagerie of real life creatures. The bad news is that it is unadvisable to kidnap many of these from the wild, much less attempting to force them into a pocket-sized prison and forcing them to battle one another like a modern-day version of bear baiting.

So, on that cheery note, let's take a look at this universe's best attempt at IRL Pokémon.

14. Wooper Is An Axolotl

Axolotl Wooper

What Is It?

The axolotl, native to only two lakes in Mexico, is probably one of the oddest creatures in existence. It is actually a neotenic salamander, which essentially means that they reach adulthood without actually undergoing metamorphosis and remain in their immature, juvenile form. They're kind of the like the Zooey Deschanel of the salamander world.

Fun Fact:

Like Pokémon, the axolotl can be evolved. Although axolotls don't naturally undergo metamorphosis, it can be induced by injecting them with iodine, forcing them to grow up into their mature form of terrestrial salamander. A bit like a harassed mother making her twentysomething son pay rent if he wants to continue to live in her basement.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.