14 Video Games With Underwear Themed Secrets & Easter Eggs

14. Guilty Gear: You Should Change Your Underwear Everyday

Guilty Gear Xrd is a long running anime fighting game with a title almost as strange as it's large roster of characters. An insanely tall man with a paperbag over his head, a sailor who uses a giant anchor as a weapon as she teams up with a horde of chubby dolphins make up just two members of the games thirty five fighters, but today we're going to discuss Jam, a female chef who longs to own her own restaurant without worrying about it being destroyed in some crazy super powered brawl. An important part of owning a restaurant is cleanliness, and the developers of the game took this into account, at least they kind of did. Depending on which day you play the game, Jam will be wearing a different pair of underwear. Striped, polka-dot, frilly, lingerie, plain, etc etc. In all she has seven pairs of underwear she changes into, and it didn't take long for arcade goers to notice her habit of changing undies, as forum goers quickly figured out which days she would be wearing certain underwear.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.