14 Video Games With Underwear Themed Secrets & Easter Eggs

9. Kingdom Hearts: A Little Bit More Detail Than We Needed

The Kingdom Hearts series was originally about a young boy and his group of friends stuck on a small island, dealing with the fact that they were all on the cusp of adulthood right up until they're forcefully thrown into a magical universe of Disney and Final Fantasy characters. Things got absolutely insane and impossible to explain after that, so we're just going to stick to the first two games in the series where things were only moderately crazy. Practically every young girl on the island wore a skirt, and gamers quickly found you could look up every single one of their skirts to find fully modeled and detailed underwear. We aren't talking just plain white textures either: the underwear had ribbons and everything on them. Someone had clearly put work into those undies. With the rerelease of the game however, nearly every pair of underwear had been removed, replaced with a black void.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.