14 Worst Video Games Of 2016

2. Bombshell

3D Realms

Born from the apparent need to 'flesh out' the world of Duke Nukem, Bombshell started life with leading lady Shelly Harrison playing a supporting role to the Duke himself, only to spin-off into her own game.

Sadly, as a result of separating the franchise into its own thing now Duke belonged to Gearbox, Bombshell changed genres, emerging as a top-down twin-stick shooter with terrible one-liners, overlong 'execution' animations, repetitive combat and bland levels. There are even a few "find three of X to open Y" missions - a particularly naff trope we all thought had died off across the 2000s.

3D Realms went for the "so bad it's good" ideology, but in gaming, such things don't work when the feel of a game is that of a controllable tire fire.

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