14 Worst Video Games Of 2016

12. Quantum Break

quantum break

Quantum Break should've been f*cking awesome. Another project from Max Payne and Alan Wake developers Remedy, combining their love for slow-motion action sequences with characters and stories that are more pulpy than three-week old orange squash?


Sadly the final product was a bit of a mess.

A crowbarred-in TV component initially scheduled to launch Microsoft's now-defunct Xbox One TV integration serves only to interrupt play for a good 40 minutes. On the gameplay side, you attempt to make sense of an upcoming apocalyptic scenario where time simply stops, rendering everyone and everything helpless - unless you can harness the power of the 'chrono field' and move within it.

Cue a ton of awesome-looking suspended animation set-pieces that certainly have a unique aesthetic, but that get bogged down by terrible exposition, horrendous acting, said TV component that features better characters than those you play as and boring, basic powers that simply have the word 'time' thrown in front of them.

How the hell do you force-push someone with time, anyway?

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Gaming Editor

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