15 Awesome Video Games From 2017 You Probably Missed

11. Monster Hunter Stories

Monster hunter stories

Speaking of shaking up the core foundations of a given franchise, Monster Hunter Stories is an exemplary, cel-shaded expansion of the standard hack n' slash combat we associate with the likes of Monster Hunter: World.

Forgoing any real-time swiping for a turn-based affair, rather than only battling monsters you're now recruiting them, Pokémon style. Riding different beasts will grant your hero different abilities, as will ranking up a kinship with them in battle, letting you bust out screen-filling specials after enough rounds have passed.

It all rests on a easily understandable rock, paper, scissors foundation of red, blue and green attacks - one that starts out deceptively simple, only to pile on the modifiers and battle tactics thereafter.

One hour with this will turn into 10; "I'll just get one more creature" becomes "I need to see what its special is!". Honestly, you think MH World is a bountiful set of addictive systems - Stories will challenge the very necessity of sunlight.

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