15 Awesome Video Games From 2017 You Probably Missed

8. Hand Of Fate 2

Hand Of Fate 2
Defiant Development

Playing like the mind's eye view of any Magic: The Gathering match brought to code, Hand of Fate once again pits you against a mysterious card-dealing stranger, where every fight is rendered and playable.

Pretty much the Arkham-style rhythmic combat, this punctuates an overarching structure of "choose your own adventure" tropes, ranging from whether you'll risk saving someone on the side of a dirt road, to whether you want to double back to uncover every last card in a given round.

Regardless of this neat, RPG-lite structure, it never gets old just seeing all your equipment and character traits come to life. You're forever badgered by the "Dungeon Master" doling out the cards, and it's great overcoming his increasingly harsh odds to survive and deal the killing blow, adding more weapons and modifiers to your collection that'll strengthen your deck the next time through.

A supremely unique idea, and the perfect bridge between third-person action and table-top battling.

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