15 Awesome Video Games From 2017 You Probably Missed

7. ReCore: Definitive Edition

ReCore game

A case of a game being thrown to the wolves after a fairly messy, rushed development, ReCore's original edition ended with unfinished parts of the environment still being accessible, and a forced "ending" that felt like a slap in the face.

Consumers and fans of Keiji Inafune's past work were notably gutted, and developers Comcept vowed to right their wrongs.

Cut to 2017, and ReCore received a sizeable "update" (read: patch that finished the game), rounding it off as a mighty fun third-person shooter with Metroidvania elements. Forgoing traditional targeting for a lock-on that means challenge comes equipping the right ammo, juggling weapons, buddy abilities and finishers, just playing ReCore feels demonstrably different than anything else on the market.

Then there's the fact it's written by ex-Bungie/Halo 1-3 scribe, Joseph Staten, who spins a yarn of best laid scientific plans gone to waste, and how leading lady Joule has to live up to her father's wishes.

ReCore is never going to win any awards, but as something that was formerly so off-putting, there was a level of buried charm and care that is now very easy to get on board with.

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