15 Best Amusement Parks In Video Games

6. Dragon Shores - Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer

final fantasy 7 Golden saucer

The entire story of Spyro 2: Gateway To Glimmer starts off with Spyro wanting to go on holiday to relax after the events of the first game. His place of choice is an amusement park called Dragon Shores.

His holiday gets put on hold because of him having to save Avalar, but after Dragon Shores was so hyped up at the beginning of the game you'll be wondering throughout if you'll ever get to visit the place.

The answer is... yes. As long as you've been collecting a ton of gems and orbs as you'll need 55 out of the possible 65 orbs and 8000 out of the possible 10,000 gems to gain access to the place.

In Dragon Shores you can earn tokens. If you get all ten tokens you can go to the theatre to view all of the cutscenes from the game. It's a neat reward.

To get these tokens you will need to play the various games around the park. There's a game where you have to dunk someone into water by hitting a target, a tunnel of love, another target mini-game, and a rollercoaster where you pop balloons.

You also get to visit Dragon Shores in Spyro: Shadow Legacy but we don't speak of that game.


Has a degree in video game development. Is kinda addicted to video games, television, and films. Probably needs some help, to be honest.