15 Best Hidden Gem Video Games Of The Decade

7. The Surge 2

The surge 2

The Surge dropped in 2017 to lukewarm reception commercially and critically, and as a result the 2019 sequel wasn't anticipated as one of the biggest games of the year, even when reviews praised it as an improvement.

Still, I don't know what those critics handing out 7s across the board were smoking, because The Surge 2's blend of RPG goodness and intense, thrilling action made for one of the best games of the year.

It's a difficult title to sell, admittedly, as it doesn't appear all that too dissimilar to other games dominating its sub-genre, but one session with the title will make you a believer.

From the way you can impact the story to spectacular fights, there's so much to love about the sequel, and if you slept on the original, make sure you don't make the same mistake twice.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3