15 Best Open-World Video Games Of The Decade

6. Fallout: New Vegas

fallout new vegas

Fallout: New Vegas remains one of the greatest RPGs ever made, which nobody really saw coming when it first launched. Its opening weekend was defined by the sheer amount of bugs (some humorous, others rage inducing) that littered Obsidian's spin-off, but that was only the case because New Vegas was bursting with ambition.

Despite being a 'second-tier' stopgap between the proper Bethesda titles, NV put the 'main' games to shame with its fantastically layered storytelling, deep faction system and player choice that went far beyond simply picking the 'good' or 'evil' option.

Though it's a bit barren (it is a wasteland after all), roaming the Mojave Desert to the tune of Big Iron gave New Vegas such a distinct sense of place, a defining aesthetic that the game so effortlessly channelled.

There won't be another Fallout game like it, for better or worse.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3