15 Best Open-World Video Games Of The Decade

3. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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If you're reading this, you've probably played Skyrim. Hell, you've probably played Skyrim on more than one console, as Bethesda can't resist re-releasing the game for maximum profit.

While it's become something of a joke that it's a game that won't die, there's a reason Bethesda keeps releasing new versions: because people want to keep playing it.

Even if it's your hundredth playthrough, it's hard to shake off the sense of wonder in Skyrim.

It's often the moments of quiet that are the most striking; coming around a snowy mountain (you absolutely tried and failed to climb), while the sky glimmers green in the dark above and you spot a shipwreck in the distance provides the kind of thrill that gaming was made for.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3