15 Best Opening Levels In Gaming History

14. Zanarkand - Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy X may not have been quite up to the standards of the better games in the series, but it still gave us an introduction for the ages, making it clear that Final Fantasy on the PS2 sure meant business. After a brief, wordless look at the game's main characters, we cut to Zanarkand, and are put in the shoes of blitzball star Tidus, as we are also given our first glimpse at voice acting in a Final Fantasy game. Sure, Tidus might sound like a pre-pubescent dope, but it's still damn impressive in light of the prior games' text-based dialogue. It's jaw-dropping to soak in these gorgeous environments and run around Zanarkand, before being greeted with that amazing FMV sequence of Tidus playing Blitzball, complete with a Rammstein-esque rock theme playing out. During a blitzball game, Sin attacks Zanarkand as Auron looks on, and when gameplay resumes, you must team up with Auron to cut through the enemies which show up. This is followed by another FMV in which Auron and Tidus are dragged to the world of Spira by Sin, kick-starting the rest of the adventure. Despite its numerous contentious elements (characters, plot, the Sphere Grid), Final Fantasy X certainly had one of the strongest openings in the series, and helped elevate its cinematic qualities forever more.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.