15 Best RPGs Of The Decade

13. Fallout: New Vegas

the witcher 3

It's safe to say that nobody was expecting Fallout: New Vegas to be as good as it was. Announced a short time after the series reinventing third installment in 2010, many people (including myself) took this to be a Fallout 3 Lite, a quick cash in at full price for half the content.

Hoo boy, were we wrong. Whilst Fallout 3 was a cracking, yet slightly cracked, game, New Vegas brought more colour and life into the series. Whilst still a barren locale, the colourful hub towns and stations brought some life and levity into the mix, which fans were in dire need of.

Featuring an eclectic mix of players in a grand game (bored-sounding Matthew Perry notwithstanding), New Vegas brought more choice to the player than just "save the world" this time around. Taking sides actually had weight and consequence, with nothing being so black and white. With several factions fighting for dominance, their motives all part of some grander plot, it wasn't dull.

Wow, if only Obsidian went on to make another game in the same vein...


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.