15 Best Video Game Levels Of 2016

2. The Swamp - The Witness

the witness
Jonathan Blow

Jonathan Blow's brain-meltingly cerebral game is one that'll separate the hardcore puzzle fanatics from the rest. Seriously, many of these will divide rooms upon rooms of people into those who 'get it', and those who feel completely baffled.

Whilst the game eases you into its various grid-based quandaries, the Swamp area is the first time you'll really have to think outside the box, providing a sequence of symbol-based puzzles that both teach you the fundamental steps on how to solve them - providing you're paying attention - and blow your mind shortly after.

Once you figure out what's being asked, it's an overwhelming sensation of comprehension I don't think any other game has nailed in quite some time. The Witness overall is a comment on how we learn, interpret and reinterpret information itself, and for this Swamp area, it's a perfect hand-picked example of that.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.