15 Best Video Game Levels Of 2016

9. All The Classic Maps - DOOM

Like including a shrine to Quake in 2011's RAGE, id Software know exactly how to pay homage to their legendary lineage.

Case in point: DOOM's semi-hilarious but ultimately fantastic secret levels that are beat-for-beat recreations of various old-school DOOM 1 and 2 maps from 1993 and 1994 respectively.

You'll find the first one in the opening UAC level, as like the Wolfenstein 3D throwback in 2015's The New Order, the game engine doesn't change - only the level geometry. 2016 enemies and explosive barrels pepper these touched-up and blocky designs, resulting in a brilliant nostalgic hybrid that'll make any old school fan go all warm and fuzzy inside.

Easter egg of the year? Quite possibly.

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Gaming Editor

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