15 Best Video Game Moments Of 2020 (So Far)

10. The Final Stage Of Goku Vs. Frieza - Dragon Ball Z Kakarot

dragon ball z kakarot

Dragon Ball Z Kakarot didn't set the world on fire; its open-world mission design was repetitive, the flight mechanics reminded many of Superman 64 in terms of static models angling themselves in various directions, but combat? It was exemplary.

A lightning quick powder keg of explosions, brutal martial arts moves and constant movement, for my money this is the closest any game has come to the choreography of the show.

You've got everything from teleports to counters, energy beam clashes to transformations, all in a 3D space. Though standard enemy fights are over in seconds, bosses are where it gets to shine.

Going up against Frieza in that iconic scene - the one we've seen replicated in pretty much every Dragon Ball game at this point - is one of the best showcases of everything you've learned as a player, and the spectacle CyberConnect2 have created.

The presentation here is off the chain. Just seeing so many great moments recreated with modern techniques is one thing, but playing as Goku becoming Super Saiyan and blasting Frieza into oblivion is something else.

Seriously, when this game sticks to its main plot beats while being backed by great action and unbelievable visuals, it's an action game fan's dream.

Gaming Editor
Gaming Editor

WhatCulture's Head of Gaming.