15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

3. You'll Be Able To Find Other Players In No Man's Sky

No Mans Sky Graphics
Hello Games

Who knew, that in the end, No Man's Sky would be remembered for a galaxy-sized lie, rather than a fully interactive galaxy of possibilities?

Yes, there were naysayers all along, but nowhere near enough of them, as Creative Director Sean Murray continued to tell whopper after whopper. It came to a head... literally on day one, as two different players managed to travel to the same spot with the intent of meeting up (something Sean Murray said you could do), only for nothing to happen.

Thus, this monumental mixup was only the beginning. It emerged that not only was there no way for the game's servers to sync two different experiences in real time, but our character models didn't even exist.

Factional warfare, space dogfights, downed spaceships and other multiplayer interactions - none were in the final game. If it was anything else, or if No Man's Sky had been advertised as the ambitious indie project it always was, the genuine anger surrounding post-release might have abated, but - as I'm sure you well remember - it was quite the opposite.

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No Man's Sky
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