15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

4. The Completely Basic 'Play Now' Console Guarantee

ps4 install times

Why do we play on consoles? Like, over time, why do the majority of people choose to game on what's meant to be a 'plug n' play' system?

Convenience, right?

Any gamer born before the 2010s will remember how much the general gaming populace would decry PC gamers and laugh at their pathetically elongated install times. "Why would I bother playing on PC? I'll be waiting the rest of the day to play!" they'd say.

Well... that is now the reality of console gaming, though you'll seldom hear it talked about from the big publishers and developers of the world. Instead, they're more than happy to churn out half-broken games in need of 'day one patches', stupidly long installations or any number of bolted-on extras.

This generation - far more than any before - we were promised faster, 'instant on' access to our libraries, yet day in, day out, we're forced to wade through any number of pop-ups and loading bars to do so.

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No Man's Sky
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