15 Bizarre 'Game Over' Scenes You Weren't Expecting

12. Army Men: Sarge's Heroes - Same Prison, New Inmates

As with Rockstar, 3DO opted to give a special award to player stupidity in the fifth installment of their Army Men games. Given the series' usually comedic theme this isn't too much of a shock, but it the developers went the extra mile of highlighting just how daft this failure one sequence truly is. During an ice level where you are required to to rescue captured POWs from an enemy base, it's possible to lock yourself inside the very cells you just sprung your friends from. While requiring some effort to accomplish, the deed is so ridiculous that it initiates a cutscene, with series moustache-twirling villain Plastro comes out of nowhere purely to mock Sarge over this seemingly impossible mistake.
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A gamer who has played everything from Daikatana to Dwarf Fortress. An obsessive film fanatic valuing everything from The Third Man to Flash Gordon. An addict to tabletop titles, comics and the classics of science fiction, whatever media they are a part of.