15 Criminally Underrated PS4 & Xbox One Games You Must Play

10. Infamous: Second Son

killer instinct game
Sony CE

Unfortunately, in the way that the PS4's Killzone: Shadow Fall was the best entry in that series, the same could not be said about Infamous: Second Son.

While far from a bad game (it wouldn't be on this list if it was), the spin-off just didn't quite live up to the expectations set by the franchise's second release, which is probably why the title didn't resonate with players as much as Sony would have perhaps hoped.

However, just because Second Son can't compete against one of the best games of the last generation doesn't mean its no good in its own right. Boasting the ability to use four different and entirely distinct elemental superpowers, the Sony exclusive game from developers at Sucker Punch has one of the most satisfying and visually appealing combat systems of any game on the market.

Even better, the developers just understand what gamers like. Each superpower feels amazing to use, with their distinct methods of traversal and combat being both deep and fun to execute and learn. Whether you're teleporting and blasting through grates with smoke or sprinting your way through Sucker Punch's gorgeously rendered version of Seattle with neon, there's never a minute in Infamous: Second Son where you won't be enjoying yourself.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3