15 Disturbing Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

11. Fisherman's Foe (Alone In The Dark)

Lollipop Chainsaw

The attempted reboot of Alone in the Dark actually had a few things going for it at the time it released, especially its experimental and then-lauded fire mechanics, which attempted to realistically render real time fire as a constantly moveable element capable of spreading and interacting with the world in unpredictable ways.

But forget about all that tech which went on to influence loads of future games for a moment, because the main thing people remember about this 2008 reboot was its "Fisherman’s Friend" achievement, which was only awarded to the most heartless killers in the game. And that’s not “heartless killers” in a good way either, you don’t get this achievement for killing enemies or anything – but for killing a specific goldfish.

Look, everyone murders innocent animals in video games - in fact, there might not be anyone on the planet who didn’t instantly slice up the chicken in the first village you arrive at in Skyrim – but shooting a goldfish? No way, that’s just too far. 


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3