15 Essential Half-Life 2 Mods You MUST Play
TITAN: XCIX moves the action away from terra firma and out into the lonely void of deep space. An accident has caused the cargo vessel, Titan, to suffer a series of catastrophic failures and as the ship's new technician you must help repair the damage.
The mod is set in a detailed sci-fi world where humanity has been ravaged by a deadly disease. As you explore the ship, more of the story unfolds and deep-seated paranoia and prejudices begin to rise to the surface.
It's a beautiful mod with stunning art direction and an intriguing story that genre fans will love. The story is quite short but recent spin-off ATROPHY: XCIX, set in an abandoned hospital back on Earth, fleshes out the overall narrative and ramps up the horror.
Highly recommended for fans of slow-burn, sci-fi horror.