15 Essential PS4 Games Every New Owner Must Play
4. Hitman
So much for the assumption that intricate A.I. worlds - the likes of what Bethesda build -must always have to come with handfuls of bugs and glitches, now it's not only CD Prokekt RED who proved that wrong with The Witcher III, but IO Interactive, too.
All that is to say: You've not seen a genuine world of game design until you've seen one of Hitman's gloriously labyrinthine concoctions.
Spread across six gargantuan maps ranging from elegant Parisian galas to security-clad Colorado strongholds, the sheer depth to each environment lets you either go it alone, killing your targets in the most interesting/entertaining way possible, or tutorialises a handful of step-by-step introductions to each maps' darkest secrets.
Together it forms hands-down the best Hitman there has ever been, and objectively one of the most impressive feats of game design seen this generation.