15 Essential PS4 Games Every New Owner Must Play

2. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

uncharted 4
Naughty Dog

There's a somewhat essential caveat to recommending Uncharted 4, in that yes, you can play this final instalment having not touched the original trilogy (available as the Nathan Drake Collection), but you're far, far more better off coming into A Thief's End with full knowledge of those first three games.

And why? Because Uncharted 4's meta-narrative is an exploration of what it means to grow old, to lose or forget the parts of yourself that define you so much growing up, and how to rekindle them in an entirely new context.

This only really works if you - like Drake - have a fondness for his old adventures, but providing you do, Uncharted 4 is one of the most mature and progressive tales a video game has ever told.

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