15 Good Reasons To Hate Modern Gaming

13. Achievements/Trophies

Xbox achievements and PS3 trophies are something of an anomaly. Despite being worth nothing, they have the effect of influencing gamers to strive for success on worthless investments. Even I will admit feeling a certain catharsis when hearing the bleep and getting a 50 point achievement. It has caused me to achieve things I would otherwise never attempt. One can see why both Microsoft and Sony have implemented their use. This doesn€™t stop them from being worthless, however, and it is for this reason that they are an aspect of modern gaming to despise. They exist as a cheap gimmick; a way to get gamers to keep playing long after they normally would move on. Sure, they contribute to your username worth, but that too is worthless beyond displaying how dedicated a gamer you are. But you can€™t blame Sony and Microsoft for using them, as they work, and no one is forcing gamers to pay any attention to them. Nevertheless, I still feel like it takes a bit away the reason we play games: to enjoy them. We played games just fine before achievements and trophies.

Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.