1. The Dragonborn - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The name Dovakhiin means a lot of different things to everybody who played Skyrim. He was a wizard, a warrior, a thief, an assassin, a Thane of many holds, a dragon slayer the list goes on. This list was in no particular order up to this point but the Dragonborn has to take the top spot for this generation. It was a fantasy experience unlike any other experienced on-console, and what was so brilliant about the Dragonborn was how unique he or she was to everybody that bought that game. When I said in my opening about the brilliance of video games, this game is the very epitome of all of those sentiments. Skyrim was expansive, varied and beautiful. A player could take up the mantle of the Dragonborn and become whoever they wanted to be, escaping reality for hours at a time to an exciting new world where glory and greatness were everyday occurrences, becoming the stuff of legend (fictional legend of course but it's still nice). For that reason if nothing else, the Dragonborn, despite being a different character to every player, is my greatest gaming hero of this generation.
High Point For This Character: This largely depended on how you played the game, so highlights will vary from player to player. But they were numerous and every one as epic as the other, including ascending to the head of various guilds like the Nightingales/Thieves Guild, becoming Thane of various Holds, becoming a werewolf for the Companions or Arch Mage of the College of Winterhold, to name but a few.
So good luck PS4 and Xbox One, bring on the next generation. Let's hope it's as good as the last. But what do you guys think, have I missed anyone out? Who did you have the most fun with this generation? Let me know in the comments!