15 Greatest Late-Generation PlayStation 2 Games

7. God Of War 2

Although it's finally been left to the wayside after too many instalments that barely changed a thing, back in 2007 we couldn't get enough of over-angry Kratos and his shouty attempts to drag down any number of skyscraper-sized beasties that should by all rights have had him for breakfast. It's a rather simple idea, but oh-so satisfying in execution, even on a visual level that notion of a small character taking on a humungous foe or obstacle is something that's run the gamut from Superman lifting something ten-times his size to the fantastic anime Attack on Titan - the latter bearing a huge resemblance to the showdowns seen throughout these games. Sony Santa Monica seemed to take the adage of "Go hard, or go home" to heart, and as the first title opened with you taking on a gigantic multi-necked Hydra by tearing it apart, GoW2 saw the King of the Gods himself Zeus betray you, only to then have a wrestling match with an animated city-block-sized statue. As mentioned before the combat itself didn't really have much of an upgrade as the most memorable parts of any God of War title are always the interactive quick-time event cutscenes, but when the core gameplay sees you grabbing foes and ripping them in half with your bare hands, it's already pretty perfect.
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