15 Greatest Late-Generation PlayStation 2 Games

9. Devil May Cry 3

We recently mentioned DMC 3 as having one of the hardest final bosses in gaming, and it's a notion that feeds into the rest of the game too, as Capcom knew following the disastrously-received part two that they had to make sure every fan and newcomer came away with their jaws bolted to the floor. Flashing back into the demon-hunter Dante's past it allowed for a younger version of the red-coated hero to have a whole host of new moves and animations, whilst cranking up his signature cockiness to previously unseen levels. It was a glorious return to form, with the cherry on top being Dante's brother Vergil being the primary antagonist and stealing every scene he was in thanks to some lightning-fast showdowns when the two of them would trade blades. Combat-wise it was more of the signature-feel of "I can't believe I'm actually controlling all of this!" from the first game, as although the second would make fighting demons about as much fun as Dante's then-boring demeanour, DMC 3 allowed you to do things such as spinning upside down in the air as you fired twin pistols down upon everything else. Needless to say it was - and still is - the best instalment in the entire franchise, and following the HD re-release on newer consoles, one of the finest third-person action titles you'll ever come across.
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