How do you find out if a Street Fighter can beat a member of the X-Men? Who's really the greatest robot who ever lived, RoboCop or The Terminator? And most importantly; who's the real top, extra-terrestrial dog when it comes down to a Predator/Xenomorph showdown? So many questions, and all of them can be answered thanks to video games. The world's favourite form of interactive media can't take credit for inventing crossovers, but nonetheless - it's very good at executing on them. One of the industry's greatest boons is its reluctance to be too protective over its own iconic brands - and the results of that carefree attitude are the games you'll see on this list. After all, games can exist for the sole purpose of being a fun way to pass the time (something that many sometimes forget), and what better way to magnify the fun factor than pitting various different franchises against each other? Comic books, childrens cartoons and even film studios have gotten in on the act over the years too, proving that big-name businesses haven't entirely succumbed to the allure of the 'safe bet' money machine. So take a look at the some of the best examples out there - there are probably a couple of attendees that you never even knew existed.
15. Wario Blast: Featuring Bomberman!
I'm not too sure if it's Wario or Bomberman who has top billing in this crossover title for the Game Boy, but either way, the bizarre clash of worlds resulted in a great crossover title that time has all but forgotten. Admittedly, the handheld, bombtastic little title isn't particularly easy on the eyes - even by the Game Boy's standards - but it more than makes up for that with its tried and tested Bomberman formula. Both characters are playable, and depending on which one you choose the enemies that you need to bomb into oblivion are swapped between Bombermen or clones of Wario himself. There's little in the way of story to speak of, and honestly, nobody really cares about a narrative in a game such as this anyway. There's absolutely nothing revolutionary about Wario Blast, but it sneaks into this list purely on the back of its own obscurity and the utter weirdness of Nintendo and Hudson's decision to combine the two characters. It's a reminder of the simpler days. Ones where Nintendo were more experimental with their IPs and unafraid to loan out characters for games about blowing people up with explosives. And no, it wasn't a terrorism simulator.
Joe is a freelance games journalist who, while not spending every waking minute selling himself to websites around the world, spends his free time writing. Most of it makes no sense, but when it does, he treats each article as if it were his Magnum Opus - with varying results.