15 Hardest Video Game Achievements Of 2017 (So Far)

2. Turophile - I Am Bread

i am bread
Bossa Studios

"Simulation" games have become an entire genre of themselves. You can be anything from a trucker to a goat - you can even be a fidget spinner, yes really. The crème de la crème however, is when you decide you want to become bread.

In I Am Bread you control, you guessed it, bread. You're not limited to bread though, sometimes you'll be a baguette and even other times you'll be a fragile little cracker. In being that cracker is where this achievement lies. Turophile requires you to achieve an A++ rating on all Cheese Hunt levels. An A+ is hard enough to achieve sometimes, but an A++, oh boy.

Cheese Hunt levels have you playing as a cracker and must find and collect pieces of cheese scattered throughout the level - it's hard to imagine this is actually a video game sometimes. In Cheese Hunt, you no longer need to worry about edibility, which in normal levels meant you needed to keep your bread edible by avoiding the ground, ants, dirt etc. You do need to worry about your integrity this time around, however, which means hard falls will break your cracker, forcing you to play while walking on eggshells, essentially.

This, paired with a very strict time constraint, is what makes this achievement so challenging. Here's someone actually managing an A++ on the games hardest level.

The achievement itself is so rare it's hard to find guides out there to even help you out. There are a couple run throughs on YouTube and forums that post the cheese locations and that's about it. With a 0.01% unlock rate on Xbox though, it really comes as no surprise.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.