15 Hidden Video Game Design Secrets That Are Total Genius

6. Uncharted's Enemies Intentionally Miss More Than They Hit

Uncharted Lost Legacy
Naughty Dog

Though Uncharted 4 had one too many instances of plonking Drake on an outcrop of land before attempting to let you face 100 guys at once, overall the franchise has a trick up its sleeve when it comes to imitating Hollywood.

Essentially in place to replicate those moments where the bad guys just can't quite get their bullets to catch up to the hero, Uncharted is coded so that whenever you leave cover, there's a 100% chance that an enemy's first two shots will miss.

Of course, it's designed to keep the tension sky-high and bullets whizzing past your head at all times, but something like Red Faction Guerrilla actually went one further, back in 2009.

Designing their own A.I. to not kill the player too fast, Volition made it so closer proximity enemies would not only be inaccurate at the beginning of a fight, but even if they did tag you over time, it'd then make them just as prone to missing once again.

Put in place to force you into seeking cover, it's a smart way of letting you overcome those pesky endless goons whilst constantly feeling empowered.

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