15 Hidden Video Game Design Secrets That Are Total Genius

3. Mario Kart's A.I. Always Keeps Up No Matter How Far Ahead You Are

Mario Kart Double dash

Certainly one of the most famous examples in gaming history, 'rubber banding' is present in everything from racing games to SSX Tricky, FIFA/PES and much more.

As a term and implementation, it describes the idea of oppositional A.I. never truly being that far behind, receiving an offscreen, non-telegraphed 'boost' to perhaps catch up to you in first place, for example, or in sports' games cases, to nail a tricky shot and equalise the score going into the final 10 minutes.

Going back to the origin though, Nintendo pioneer yet again, as this technique was first clarified in 2003's Mario Kart: Double Dash, despite many gamers complaining about A.I. qualms for years prior.

Overall it contributed exponentially to helping this once experimental kart racer take the world by storm, giving even those who were playing solo some diehard competition to overcome.

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Gaming Editor

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