15 Hidden Video Game Design Secrets That Are Total Genius

1. Assassin's Creed & DOOM Value Lower Health More, So You "Just Make It Through" Fights

Doom 2016 gore nest
Id Software

Ever have that feeling of JUST getting through a fight, knowing that if it had gone on for but a second longer, you would've bit the dust and gone back to the beginning?

Yup, even those moments are designed.

Though it's commonplace across many action games as a way to increase tension and concentration - and eventually relief and celebration - Assassin's Creed and DOOM have the upper echelons of their health bars get chipped away faster, almost always putting you on the back foot around the mid-point of a fight.

It of course means you'll then try harder and push through to survive - which is exactly what the devs intended - though you needn't worry, because those precious few last segments of points are worth more overall than the majority of the life bar itself.

Next time you're playing DOOM, take note of your health - even if you're near death, there's still every chance you'll live to fight another day.


Are there any other really cool 'behind the scenes' type coding tricks you've picked up on? Let us know in the comments!

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