15 Hidden Video Game Design Secrets That Are Total Genius

8. Losing Soldiers In XCOM Ups Your % Chance Of Hitting

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If you're screaming "I KNEW THOSE PERCENTAGES WERE A LIE!", then prepare to feel vindicated, as though Firaxis should continually be praised for making the best turn-based strategy games on the planet, there's more going on than meets the eye when it comes to lining up a shot.

Thanks to a Gamefaqs post breaking down the specifics, we know that the more dire your circumstances get i.e. if you go down to three or less members, your chances of connecting with subsequent shots and dodging enemy fire increase.

Going as far as adding a boost of +30% if you were already sitting on 50% or more, reducing enemy shots by 25% and making any 100% shot a 95% for the opposition only, it factors into the very essence of XCOM: Scraping by on just a hope and a prayer, and seeing a new rookie win the day despite all odds.

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