15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

5. The Legend Of Zelda NX

nintendo nx zelda

Nintendo have stated multiple times that not only will the NX not be at E3, but that the version of LoZ that WILL be there, will only be running on Wii U hardware.

Well, I just don't buy that. Nintendo are certainly a quirky studio when it comes to following, well, common sense and basic release schedules, but surely they can't have the NX ready to drop next year, and still wanting us to wait on what LoZ is going to look like?

Show off the Wii U version and keep the handful of owners who invested in the console happy, sure, but the very reason the NX has so much interest and steam right now, is because even PS4 and Xbox One owners are looking to see what it all plays like, too.

E3, once again, is the perfect place to demonstrate that.

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