15 Incredible Creations That Prove Minecraft-Obsessives Are Geniuses

8. Pokémon

Classic Nintendo characters are easy to create in Minecraft (just consider the fact that the game is made up of very large pixels) but, unsurprisingly, Pokémon seem to be the most popular. A quick Google search throws up nearly every variety of Pokémon recreated in the game and they're all impressive. In particular, the above picture is such a crazy mixture of colours that it makes me want to jump straight back into the game and get building. The Pokémon love doesn't stop there though...

7. A Pokémon Battle

It's absolutely crazy to me that somebody could set aside the time to replicate this classic scene in its entirety. Thankfully, someone did and this pixel art masterpiece stands as an eternal monument to their genius. Is it too much to hope that we one day get an entirely playable version of Pokémon in Minecraft? Redstone might work some mechanical magic but I don't think it's that powerful yet, sadly.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.