15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World
You know it's bad when Superman murdering a child doesn't break the top five...

If there's one lesson that the Injustice games and comics taught us, it's that superhero stories are at their most fascinating when they're handing out shocking moments like it's Halloween and they're the supermarket's cheapest candy. The speed with which the series hits you with surprise after surprise is almost dizzying, but then - like rollercoasters and alcohol - that's also why we love it.
And what reason would the creators of the game and comic alike have to not fill their version full to the brim with unbelievable moments? The series revolves around having all your favourite characters fight - either to the death or to mortal injury - so there's no better set up to produce the weirdest and wildest moments that comics have ever witnessed.
It's all of the fun of Mortal Kombat, only with the extra added bonus that you get to see Superman fly through people, or Hal Jordan tear a man's arm off.
Given the series doesn't affect the actual canon universe, the stakes have never been so low - and the excitement never so high - for one individual mythos. Does any other series contain an exploding sentient planet and Poseidon in the same volume? I think not.
15. Superman Destroys Mogo

In the most dramatic event of Injustice: Year Two - if not the most dramatic moment of the entire series - Superman finally goes full villain, turning against the Green Lanterns, destroying the Guardian known as Ganthet, as well as the largest member of the Corps in the planet Mogo.
With the destruction of Mogo also comes the destruction of the Green Lanterns, as the planet was the one to guide the Green Lantern rings to their new wielders. This means not only is one of the most powerful Green Lanterns killed - but also the entire of the Lantern Corps built to guard space and protect the universe, meaning untold destruction is basically confirmed to break out after this event.
Even without all the context, the scene is shocking just for seeing how much damage this war is causing. The image of a planet flying into the sun, moved solely by the power of the Man of Steel, is both terrifying and a just a little awe-inspiring - even if it's awe that DC's biggest hero could do something so destructive.